ABOUT Silk-Aid

Having suffered from acne and overall bad skin which meant low self-esteem and lack of confidence as a result throughout my teens and early adulthood, I had tried almost all the methods under the sun looking for a cure. It was only when by chance I discovered silk (well I didn’t exactly discover silk, but you know what I mean) – I was amazed at the benefits with minimal effort (just sleeping actually). It all made sense of how the rich and famous were always well full of themselves and looked flawless at all times.

If I can just try to explain how it changed my life – it actually made my life, my skin began to improve allowing me to overcome socially restricting barriers, sleeping better meant I was less irritable throughout the day. I became more productive and started achieving more. Sleeping on a silk pillowcase truthfully turned my life around.

It was only when I recommended silk pillowcases with my personal testimony to a colleague at work, and her mentioning the prices the pillowcases were fetching online that prompted me to research, source, and launch SILK AID LTD.

Just like you – I am exhausted and broke paying for BRAND names when the actual quality of the product is the same or inferior in some cases. Just because it has a million followers on social media doesn’t mean you can charge an arm and a leg (literally).

So here it is – Our Silk Pillow Cases (to start with) – picked and designed to the highest quality at the best possible prices. We hope you enjoy the experience and the results. Please leave feedback and criticism (constructive, mind you).

Here’s to wishing everyone better skin, better hair, better sleep, and as a result a better life.

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